Who We Are


The Team



Haruka Fujii

Creative Director

Percussionist from Grammy Award winning Silkroad Ensemble and internationally acclaimed advocate of modern Japanese music. Haruka's performances can be seen locally in the Bay Area and around the world. Based in Albany, CA. See more


Dice Tsutsumi

Artistic Advisor

Animation artist and filmmaker. Dice is the co-founder and director of Academy Award nominated, and Annie and Emmy award winning animation studio Tonko House. He began his career at Pixar Animation Studios. Based in Berkeley, CA. See more. 


Yu-Chun Kuo

Program Manager

Arts administrator and operations manager. Yu-Chun is the Director of Program Operations for Stanford Jazz Workshop, and brings years of experience in arts administration for nonprofit organizations and individuals around the world. Based in San Mateo, CA. See more.


Admin Team

Board of Directors
Arcadi Kolchak
Mari Kawawa
Ayako Nagano 

Mitsue Karaman

Project Advisor
Daisuke Miyake

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